Ideaction Blog

3-minute ideas on sales, websites, pricing and business strategy

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I want to share a big win one of my clients had last week. Actually, it’s two, because it also happened a few weeks ago, as well, but we’ll focus on the most recent one.

Every wedding pro wants to fill their calendar. Ten dates, 20 dates, 30 dates…whatever the number, you want to fill it with high-paying clients who are easy/fun to work with.

Do you wonder why clients inquire, you respond, and then you don’t hear back?

If so, strap in for the next three minutes while I offer a new perspective for you.…

Every wedding pro knows what it’s like to get ghosted by a couple who inquires. 

You see their email in your inbox. You respond super-fast with a personal email and beautiful pricing guide filled with gorgeous images, all the information they requested, and a well-written blurb about you and your experience.

Stop reading if you’re 100% confident asking potential clients how much they want to spend on your services.

And I’m not talking about “asking” through a field on your contact form.

If the number one job for your website is to generate inquiries, what’s the second most important thing it does for your business?

Here are some contenders:


Last week I put out a poll on IG Stories – and the results surprised me.

I asked the audience how you felt about 2022 bookings. Are you in good shape?

What does it mean to “qualify” a client? 

Most people focus on the budget. And, yes, that’s certainly a criterion to include when qualifying a potential client. 

The number one goal for your website is to generate leads in your inbox. You can’t book couples who don’t inquire, even those who come on referral from past and current clients.…

Do you have a friend in the industry who seems to fill her calendar with incredible clients and budgets for weddings that wow?…

It’s always easier - and more successful - when you have an expert guiding the way. Reach out to schedule a 1:1 session with sales, copywriting and business strategy expert, Sam Jacobson. You’ll leave the conversation feeling confident about your next big move.

Let’s talk it out

Do you like what you see, but want a personalized solution?