Ideaction Blog

3-minute ideas on sales, websites, pricing and business strategy

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Did you ever watch the Discovery channel show, “Myth Busters”? It was one of my favorites, because you got the real scoop on things you’ve heard a lot and thought were true. …

Sam Jacobson Ideaction Consulting


If you’ve heard me talk about the four main buyer types, you know how important it is to shift your communication style to meet others where they’re at. 


Have you heard all the buzz about Ideal Client Avatars lately? Yeah, so have we! Which is why we thought it would be a good idea to share more insights into:

– What makes an ideal client anyway

– The top component to a solid ICA that most people miss

– How to create your own

– What to do with the information in your marketing and sales process

I’m joined today by my wife and our head copywriter, Katy Taylor Jacobson, and we share a bunch of actionable ideas you can put to use today.


One of the biggest mistakes I see on websites is putting up an entire page about your pricing. Why focus the conversation on the scariest thing you do for your clients (that is, take money from them)?!!


I’ve read hundreds of books about business, marketing and selling over the past 20 years. In this episode, I share my top 10 to grow your business.

You’ve heard me say it before, but I’ll say it again:

Great salespeople are not born. They’re made. 

Sales is a skill you learn, just like everything else you do in your business.


Top sales people aren’t born, they’re made. They’re trained. They’re coached to improve in key areas to develop skills that help them book more clients at higher prices. 


Sales is a numbers game. It’s all about optimizing conversion rates at different points in the buyer’s journey. Get the couple to inquire.

What do you think is the hardest part of selling your services?

  1. Getting people to respond to your initial inquiry response?

  2. Guiding the discovery call with great questions?


If you’re like most wedding pros I know, your inbox isn’t flooded with inquiries right now. And if you’re getting at least a trickle, you know how important it is to make the most of the few that are flowing through.

It’s always easier - and more successful - when you have an expert guiding the way. Reach out to schedule a 1:1 session with sales, copywriting and business strategy expert, Sam Jacobson. You’ll leave the conversation feeling confident about your next big move.

Let’s talk it out

Do you like what you see, but want a personalized solution?