buyer types

Check it out

Everyone talks a big game when it comes to attracting ideal clients, so why is it so hard to actually make it happen? 

It’s because there’s a LOT of work that goes into getting from A to Z, from I know what I want in an ideal client and now I have a calendar filled with them.…

You hear a lot about ideal clients from educators and experts, us included. We don’t have the market cornered on the information, but we certainly feel we add a nuanced and sophisticated approach to the concept.…

Want to know why you’re not attracting the right kinds of couples to your inbox? 

First place to look is your website. But don’t look at it like a filter, or a screen.…


If you’ve heard me talk about the four main buyer types, you know how important it is to shift your communication style to meet others where they’re at. 


You’ve heard me talk about four different types of buyers for your services. 

(If not, go listen to episodes 4, 32 and 54 after this one.)


You’ve heard me talk about four different types of buyers for your services. 

(If not, go listen to episodes 4, 32 and 54 after this one.)


You’ve heard me talk about four different types of buyers for your services. 

(If not, go listen to episodes 4, 32 and 54 after this one.)


You’ve heard me talk about four different types of buyers for your services. 

(If not, go listen to episodes 4, 32 and 54 after this one.)


Creating an effective website isn’t as easy as picking a pretty template and then filling in the boxes with photos, videos and copy.

It’s always easier - and more successful - when you have an expert guiding the way. Reach out to schedule a 1:1 session with sales, copywriting and business strategy expert, Sam Jacobson. You’ll leave the conversation feeling confident about your next big move.

Let’s talk it out

Do you like what you see, but want a personalized solution?