Ideaction Blog

3-minute ideas on sales, websites, pricing and business strategy

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Over the past three years, I’ve spent more than 1,000 hours on 1:1 calls with clients.

You want to know what topic I spend most of my time talking about?

How many times have you gotten an inquiry from an ideal client with a huge budget, but the date they want is already booked?

So frustrating.

It’s hard to burn out when you love your job.

So why do so many wedding pros struggle with peak season?

The simplest explanation must be: You don’t love your job.

Yesterday, I was talking with a client who hired me to help book more clients at higher rates.

This is the number one reason people reach out to me for coaching, so I thought I’d share a bit of the story with you this week.

When was the last time you Googled your business?

What did you see?

Did you like it?

Welcome to your online brand

I love this exercise, because it puts ourselves in the eyes of our buyers.

Who’s tired of wasting time on unqualified inquiries?

Who’s done with price shoppers?

Who’s ready to work with better clients?

Who wants to spend less time “selling” your services?

Couples who like you will buy your services more often than those who don’t. But how do you get them to like you in the first place?

I want to share a big win one of my clients had last week. Actually, it’s two, because it also happened a few weeks ago, as well, but we’ll focus on the most recent one.

Last week, I wrote about WHAT motivates your ideal clients to book your services – and how you have to create messages with words and images that trigger those desires.

We all know a great website is crucial to booking more couples. But if you think it’s mostly about how it looks, well, think again. 

It’s always easier - and more successful - when you have an expert guiding the way. Reach out to schedule a 1:1 session with sales, copywriting and business strategy expert, Sam Jacobson. You’ll leave the conversation feeling confident about your next big move.

Let’s talk it out

Do you like what you see, but want a personalized solution?