I’ve featured some of the best in the business on my podcast. Abby Jiu, KT Merry, Bob Spiegel, Alex Le Roux, Shannon Leahy, Chris Jespersen, and so many others.…

I’m doing something new on this week’s episode of the Own Your Business Podcast.
Over the past 90+ episodes, I’ve done a few different types of approaches:
Me talking about a specific topic
Having Katy, my wife and copywriting expert, on to talk shop with me about websites
Bringing on an expert, like Katelyn Magnuson or Sara Dunn, in a specific field to share their expertise where we can’t
Industry stars, like KT Merry and Shannon Leahy, to share their journey to the top
Today, we’re going to add a fifth type of episode, and that’s a client case study.