Ep162: Sam’s Take on State of the Industry

For those who don’t know, I write a newsletter for nearly 6,000 subscribers every week. I’ve done it for nearly 6 years now, and it’s filled with great advice like you get on the podcast. 

One of the cool things about a newsletter is that I can talk about exactly what’s going on in the industry right now. It’s why I usually only do 2-3 at a time when I batch out content, because I want to make sure I’m in tune with what’s happening rather than sharing evergreen content like I do on the podcast.

This past week, I wrote a newsletter that got a ton of positive feedback from subscribers, and I want to share it with you today.

As you know, I hosted the State of the Industry panel on September 18, and we had a massive turnout for the discussion. Lots of engagement with the audience in the week that followed. Many people wanted my take on it, because I stayed fairly quiet in lieu of having the panelists do most of the talking.

However, I DO want to share my thoughts on what’s going on in the industry, and more importantly, what you should consider doing about it with your business. 

Enjoy the ideas. I think they’re amongst the most important I’ve shared in a while.

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