3 Common Mistakes for Pricing on your Website

Wedding pros spend a lot of time and money making sure your website looks amazing – and many take the next step with great copy. But all the beautiful designs and compelling copy can’t overcome certain obstacles elsewhere on the site.

Here are a few:

  1. Navigation that’s hard to read with the background image

  2. Not enough calls to action

  3. Contact forms with too many or bad questions

Mistakes in these areas are often so impactful users can’t overcome them – and instead bounce off the site.

Other issues that prevent inquiries and bookings have to do with pricing. Where do you put pricing on your site? Should you list out packages? Do you call it “investment” or something else? Do you share “starting at,” “average,” or a “range”?

If you can’t answer these questions with 100% certainty, then you’re like most people in the wedding industry.

Today, I’m going to give you my perspective on the most important questions related to pricing on your website. It’s based on years of research on pricing psychology, as well as 15 seasoned pricing services that have sold millions in revenue for wedding companies. These apply to any field, any market, any price point.

General best-practices

Couples who see detailed pricing early in the buying experience are less likely to book your services. They’re not buying a $19.95 book from Amazon or a pair of shoes from Nordstrom that they can try on and return if they don’t fit. Wedding services are super expensive and you don’t get a do-over on the Big Day.

You have to spend time building value and providing reassurances before sharing pricing specifics with potential clients. Your website is a storefront meant to bring people to a salesperson who can answer questions, point them toward the best fit for their needs, and then ring them up.

The #1 goal is to get a couple to inquire, so they can start the formal sales process. Keep that in mind.

Where do you put pricing on your site?

Contrary to what many templates offer and/or suggest, it’s not on a pricing page.

I absolutely recommend against an entire page devoted to what your services cost. Why? The brain processes cost as a loss. Loss is processed like pain. The more you talk about pricing, the more loss, and pain your site visitors experience. So don’t use a lot of space to cause potential clients to feel bad.

Still, you want to share basic pricing with couples, because you want to avoid spending time with unqualified inquiries. It’s a balance you have to strike on the site.

A good way to do that is to put it after you share the value you offer. These feel like gains, like good things you give your clients. After you’ve built up these positive feelings, then you can afford to put out a little information about pricing.

The Services page is the right place for all this to happen. Down at the bottom under all the great things you do to help your clients solve their problems. It’s best if you add a call-to-action directly underneath that leads to the Contact page. Lastly, put a testimonial under the pricing and CTA to provide reassurance to the reader. (Bonus points if you can make the testimonial about the value you offer or how they would’ve paid double for your services (or something along those lines)).

More free resources

I picked one to talk about here, but there are a bunch more questions you should be 100% on if you want to stop making it so hard to get inquiries. Should you refer to your pricing as an “investment”? What number do you use for your starting-at price? Should you ask about budget on your contact form? Do you put package options and pricing on your website? What about luxury pricing?

If you’re curious about these, listen to my most recent  podcast episode on this topic.


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