Ep163: When (and When Not) to Rebrand with Kate Ford

To rebrand, or not to rebrand. That is the question on the minds of many right now.

What exactly does it mean to rebrand, though? Is it just a new logo? Is it a full overhaul of your style kit? Does it always have to involve a name change?

More importantly, when is it a good idea to do? And when should you hold out to see where you can get with your current brand?

Because rebrands are not inexpensive – in either money or time. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from clients who end up halfway through a project like this, and they run out of energy, time, or money to get the rebrand and new site launched.

Today, I discuss a recent rebrand with Kate Ford, one of our long-time clients who recently went through a full rebrand, doing everything directly with us. Kate changed it all. Name, style kit, ideal client avatar, marketing messages, website design and, of course, copywriting.

You’ll hear:

– Why she did it

– How it came together

– What she learned along the way

If you’re considering an overhaul, this podcast is for you. Or earmark it for later if you’re not yet ready to dig in, because these things take time to plan out.

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