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Ep148: 10 Keys to Build Trust with Buyers

Trust isn’t given, it’s earned. And if you’re not focused on making deposits with potential clients, you better start now.

Sure, marketing and sales requires you to do lots of different things well. Showcase a solid portfolio. Connect with the couples who inquire. Lead the discovery call to uncover emotional and social desires. Deliver a compelling custom proposal. 

But at the root of all these things is trust. People on your website and in your inbox want to know you’re going to deliver the goods.

That’s why they care about your portfolio. They want to know you’ve delivered the things they want for their own wedding to others before.

That’s why they want to connect with you. They want to know you’re likable, and a good listener, and an authority in what you do.

That’s why they want to feel empathy from you. They want to know you’re get them and have helped others with what they’re looking for.

It all comes down to trust. Will you do what you say you’ll do when you say you’ll do it.

The problem is too many wedding pros aren’t paying enough attention to building trust. And as you’ll hear in a story about how I lost trust with a willing buyer, it’s not easy to recover once you’ve bankrupted the trust account.

Let’s get the story started, and then I’ll share my top 10 ways to build trust in the sales process.

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097: Break into the Luxury Market

151: Website Design for Buyer Types

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