Ep126: 4 Big Myths about Getting into Luxury

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a magic button you could push and all your dreams would come true? Or at least some of them? 

I was reading Arnold Scharzenegger’s recent memoir, Be Useful, and in it he says: “If there is one unavoidable truth in this world, it’s that there is no substitute for putting in the work. People have tried to cut corners and skip steps in this process for as long as hard work has been hard.” 

I love this, because it’s so true. If you want to see the results, you have to put the work in. And, no, you can’t cut corners. You can’t skip steps if you want to create long-term success.

It’s one of the biggest myths we see in the wedding industry – and it can be dangerous for pros like you hoping to make it to the top. Try jumping three rungs on the ladder at one time and you’ll likely fall flat on your face.

For instance, you can’t simply raise your rates by 30, 40, 50% at once because your work is great and a planner told you you should charge more…without putting in the work to create context and build value for that significantly higher price. But people do it all the time. 

And fall flat on their faces.

In this episode, Katy and I’ll talk about several other myths about getting into luxury that prevent hard-working pros like you from making the move to elevate your business. We’ll also discuss 8 proven steps that even Arnold would support on your journey to create success for your business and your life.

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