Ep75: social and sway celebrity panel


Special treat for you this week. Replay of a panel we hosted last week with Kate Turner, Abby Jiu and Julian Leaver.

All three are clients of Ideaction Consulting, and also The Media Socialites, the company we’re doing the Social and Sway Mastermind with this year.

We brought them together for a conversation because we wanted our audience to hear their perspective on what helped them get where they are today, which is near or at the top of their respective markets.

As you’ll hear, there are lots of ways to get where you want to go – but the fastest and most enjoyable approaches share a lot in common.

Here are some of the big highlights from the discussion that you’ll get:

Top 10 Takeaways

  1. Success isn’t granted. You have to go out and get it, especially when it’s slow.

  2. When you think you’re doing really well, there’s so much more out there – but you have to do things differently to take it to the next level and stop leaving money on the table.

  3. Ideal clients want to see themselves in your work, so know what to post and how to present it on social media and your website.

  4. Sales is something that has to be learned. Find an expert and do what they say.

  5. Everyone “plateaus” or “hits a ceiling.” The pros who push through do it by getting help from experts who know the way.

  6. Guessing what to post on social media and how to sell to couples is the slowest way to success.

  7. You improve what you focus on. Pick carefully and be strategic.

  8. You can’t do it all. Find others to round out your team in key areas.

  9. Get good at the hard things, because everyone else is struggling and if you can be just a bit better than you’ll win the business more often.

  10. People at the top don’t get there by themselves. They have help from coaches and advisors, and their biggest regret is not hiring them sooner.

We had nearly 100 people on live with us, and we kept them all on for the duration of the conversation.

If you don’t make it to the end, do yourself a favor and check out more information on Social and Sway, the new mastermind we’ve created for wedding pros who want to attract and book more ideal clients. 

Click the link in show notes and go to socialandsway.com

The curriculum for the program is 25% social media, 25% other marketing, and 50% sales.

This mastermind tells you exactly what to do in areas you’re either a) getting stuck, or b) leaving money on the table. 

It’s not an expense, it’s a money-maker for your business.

Last day to sign up for this one is Tuesday, February 7 at midnight.

Now, enjoy the show.



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